Adventure Tutorial - Rachel Lowe

November 28, 2021

Adventure Tutorial - Rachel Lowe

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Uniquely Creative Products Used:

UCP2292 Wilderness, White Cardstock 12x12, UCP2299 Creative Cuts, UCP2298 Vellum Cuts, UCE1871 Puffy Stickers, UEC1869 Enamel Dots


Other Products Used:

Trimmer, Adhesives, Scissors, Foam Mounts



1. Tear a strip from Wilderness paper, tearing the left hand side graphic off as you only want the strip with the parrot on the right side and the green part. This will measure approximately 9 inches.

2. Using double sided tape adhere the three edges of your white cardstock but leaving open the torn edge so you can tuck embellishments in and under.

3.To create my 12" embellishment cluster, use a mix of the creative cuts, vellum creative cuts, the snake, frog, hibiscus flower and pink parrot are from the puffy sticker sheet. Using different textures and heights avoids your cluster looking ‘flat’.

4. Add the Adventure creative cuts word as your title with foam tape.

5. Choose some phrase sentiments to match Rachel's theme from the cut-a-part sheet and added on my photo with foam tape.

6. Add three of the tropical leaves from the vellum pack and finish off with the enamel dots in the centre. Note: Rachel tucked one under her photo.

7. Add another parrot from the creative cuts to mirror the graphic one and added another phrase sentiment from the cut-a-part sheet and added it with foam tape between the flying parrots.

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